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2023 Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes

The Chinese Zodiac is an integral part of everyday life in Chinese culture and is popular in many other Asian countries like Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. 

A new Chinese zodiac year starts in either January or February according to the lunar calendar. Because the dates of Lunar New Year change every year in January or February, individuals born in those months will need to pay special attention to their birth date in addition to their birth year in order to determine their zodiac animal.

So, if you were born in January or February in the years 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, or 2009 you might be a Rat or an Ox. 

Drawing from a few different sources, we’ve compiled personality descriptions, horoscopes, and other fun tidbits for each zodiac animal.

Find Your Zodiac Animal

To find out which animal you are, match your birth year with the zodiac animal years below. If you were born in January or February, click your potential animal and check the specific dates provided.



Zodiac Years


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022


1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

Rat (鼠 / Shǔ)

Year of the Rat Dates

Rat Year



Feb. 11, 2032 – Jan. 30, 2033


Jan. 25, 2020 – Feb. 11, 2021


Feb. 7, 2008 – Jan. 25, 2009


Feb. 19, 1996 – Feb. 6, 1997


Feb. 2, 1984 – Feb. 19, 1985


Feb. 15, 1972 – Feb. 2, 1973


Jan. 28, 1960 – Feb. 14, 1961


Feb. 10, 1948 – Jan. 28, 1949

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Rats' Personality:

People born in the year of the Rat like saving and collecting, so they rarely have hard times financially and live organized lives. As a Rat, you don’t look for praise and recognition. You are very sensitive and know when there is trouble. When you do take risks, you're usually successful.

Rats' 2023 Horoscope Overview:

This year will bring good luck in many aspects of your life. You'll find success in your career and love life and many things will work in your favour. This will be a transitional year for you and you'll be able to make many positive changes in your life.

However, be advised to not let the negativity around you hinder your progress and focus on your life ahead. Be sure to make time for the things that matter and make you happy in 2023. But in this quest of doing the things you love, you must not ignore others' needs.

Lucky Things for Rats:

Lucky Numbers: 2, 3
Lucky Colours: Gold, Green, Blue
Lucky Flowers: African Violet, Lily

Unlucky Things For Rats:

Unlucky Numbers: 5 and 9
Unlucky Colours: Yellow, Brown

Famous Rats:

Richard Nixon: born January 9, 1913
Ozzy Osbourne: born December 3, 1948
RuPaul: born November 17, 1960
Wayne Gretzky: born January 26, 1961
Carmen Electra: born April 20, 1972
Gwyneth Paltrow: born September 27, 1972
Prince Harry: born September 15, 1984
Avril Lavigne: born September 27, 1984
Zendaya: born September 1, 1996

Ox (牛 / Niu)

Year of the Ox Dates

Ox Year



January 31, 2033 – February 18, 2034


February 12, 2021 – January 31, 2022


January 26, 2009 – February 13, 2010


February 7, 1997 – January 27, 1998


February 19, 1985 – February 8, 1986


February 3, 1973 – January 22, 1974


February 15, 1961 – February 4, 1962


January 29, 1949 – February 16, 1950

Oxen's Personality:

Oxen are patient and honest, although very stubborn. It's difficult to change your mind when you have already decided on something. As an Ox, you are usually calm, but can lose your temper when you're at your limit.

Oxen’s 2023 Horoscope Overview:

In 2023, you will be able to achieve balance in your life because of your commitment and dedication like never before. Things will finally start to fall into place, so embrace yourself for positive changes.

This year, Oxen will achieve their greatest potential. However, you must not stop pushing yourself and working hard. 2023 will also be the year when you decide to pursue your passion and use your creative side.

Lucky Things for Oxen

Lucky Numbers: 1 and 4
Lucky Colours: White, Yellow and Green
Lucky Flowers: Peach Blossom and Tulip

Unlucky Things For Oxen

Unlucky Numbers: 5 and 6
Unlucky Colours: Blue

Famous Oxen

Billy Joel: born May 9, 1949
Bruce Springsteen: born September 23, 1949
Meg Ryan: born November 19, 1961
Jim Carrey: born January 17, 1962
Tyra Banks: born December 4, 1973
Kiera Knightley: born March 26, 1985
Michael Phelps: born June 30, 1985
Chrissy Teigen: born December 4, 1973
Kylie Jenner: born August 10, 1997

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Tiger (虎 / Hǔ)

Year of the Tiger Dates

Tiger Year



January 19, 2034 – February 7, 2035 


February 1, 2022 – January 21, 2023


February 14, 2010 – February 2, 2011


January 28, 1998 – February 15, 1999


February 9, 1986 – January 28, 1987


January 23, 1974 – February 10, 1975


February 5, 1962 – January 24, 1963


February 17, 1950 – February 5, 1951

Tigers' Personality:

People born in the year of the Tiger are independent and have high self-esteem. You enjoy being the leader and protector of others. You have a strong sense of justice and never back down in an argument. You are authoritative and never go back on the things you've said.

Tigers' 2023 Horoscope Overview:

This year will bring abundance, good luck, and power in the lives of Tigers. You will be happy to see the direction your life will take this year.

There is no room for giving up in 2023. Be confident and strong while facing any challenges. Your career will be better as you learn how to put your skills and talent to better use. Pursue your passion and you'll be surprised to see what it can do for you.

The year will start with a bang and you'll achieve success in every aspect of life. The year of the Rabbit will bring favourable outcomes for you!

Lucky Things For Tigers

Lucky Numbers: 1, 3 and 4
Lucky Colours: Blue, Gray and Orange
Lucky Flowers: Yellow Lily and Cineraria

Unlucky Things For Tigers

Unlucky Numbers: 8, 7 and 6
Unlucky Colours: Brown

Famous Tigers

Marylin Monroe: born June 1, 1926
Stevie Wonder: born May 13, 1950
Steve Irwin: born February 22, 1962
Michelle Yeoh: born August 6, 1962
Elizabeth Banks: born February 10, 1974
Jimmy Fallon: born September 19, 1974
Robert Pattinson: born May 13, 1986
Usain Bolt: born August 21, 1986
Shawn Mendes: born August 8, 1998

Rabbit (兔 / Tù)

Year of the Rabbit Dates

Rabbit Year



February 8, 2035 – January 27 2036


January 22, 2023 – February 9, 2024


February 3, 2011 – January 22, 2012


February 16, 1999 – February 4, 2000


January 29, 1987 – February 16, 1988


February 11, 1975 – January 30, 1976


January 25, 1963 – February 12, 1964


February 6, 1951 – January 26, 1952

Rabbits' Personality:

If you were born in the year of the Rabbit, you are gentle, quiet, patient, and intelligent. Your sense of responsibility and attention to detail lead to great successes in your career. You are faithful to those around you but are reluctant to show what’s on your mind.

Rabbits' 2023 Horoscope:

2023 is the Ben Ming Nian (Zodiac Year of Birth) for people born in the year of the Rabbit. In Chinese astrology, Ben Ming Nian is one’s unlucky year and they should be more cautious than usual. Traditionally, people wear red underclothes in their Ben Ming Nian to decrease the influence of the bad luck. 

This year, you should not believe in others too easily and do your own work with wholeheartedly. Financially, you may earn a little more than last year but unexpected expenditures may wait for you ahead, so trim the unnecessary shopping down and save some for possible rainy days, but don't forget to be generous as well.

Rabbits, try your best to show off your talents and do your work well. For those in leadership positions, your leadership skills and abilities will improve. However, influenced by the bad luck of the Ben Ming Nian, you may experience many challenges and difficulties while achieving your goals.

Lucky Things Rabbits:

Lucky Numbers: 6, 4 and 3
Lucky Colours: Purple, Blue, Pink and Red
Lucky Flowers: Jasmine and Plantain Lily

Unlucky Things Rabbits:

Unlucky Numbers: 8, 7 and 1
Unlucky Colours: White, Dark Yellow and Dark Brown

Famous Rabbits

Billie Holiday: born April 7, 1915
Marvin Gaye: born April 2, 1939
Lisa Kudrow: born July 30, 1963
Whitney Houston: born August 9, 1963
Nicolas Cage: born January 7, 1964
Angeline Jolie: born June 4, 1975
Michael Bublé: born September 9, 1975
Elliot Page: born February 21, 1987

Dragon (龙 / Lóng)

Year of the Dragon Dates

Dragon Year

Chinese Zodiac Years Calendar


January 26 2036 – February 2037


February 10, 2024 – January 28, 2025


January 23, 2012 – February 9, 2013


February 5, 2000 – January 23, 2001


February 17, 1988 – February 5, 1989


January 31, 1976 – February 17, 1977


February 13, 1964 – February 1, 1965


January 27, 1952 – February 13, 1953


February 8, 1940 – January 26, 1941

Dragons' Personality

Dragons, you have a heart full of adventure and romance. Gifted with innate courage, tenacity, and intelligence, you are enthusiastic and confident. You are not afraid of challenges, and willing to take risks.

Dragons' 2023 Horoscope:

The year of the Rabbit will bring good luck for the Dragons in various aspects of life. You will witness an improvement in your financial life and find new ways to sail through different situations. Many great things are lined up for you, so be prepared to appreciate what is coming.

This year, you'll perform well in achieving your dreams. Surround yourself with people who motivate you in doing better. Be open to changes as change will bring new opportunities for you this year.

2023 will be a year of happiness and bliss and you will enjoy yourself to the fullest. However, you must not make hasty decisions and ensure that you're walking in the right direction. Also, let go of people or things that hinder your progress.

Lucky Things For Dragons

Lucky Numbers: 1, 6 and 7
Lucky Colours: Gold, Grayish White and Silver
Lucky Flowers: Dragon Flowers and Bleeding-Heart Glory Bower

Unlucky Things For Dragons

Unlucky Numbers: 3 and 8
Unlucky Colours: Blue and Green

Famous Dragons

Maya Angelou: born April 4, 1928
Martin Luther King Jr.: born January 15, 1929
Al Pacino: born April 25, 1940
Mr. T: born May 21, 1952
Liam Neeson: born June 7, 1952
Sandra Bullock: born July 26, 1964
Keanu Reeves: born September 2, 1964
Rihanna: born February 20, 1988
Adele: born May 5, 1988

Snake (蛇 / Shé)

Year of the Snake Dates

Snake Year



February 15, 2037 – February 3, 2038


January 29, 2025 – February 16, 2026


February 10, 2013 – January 30, 2014


January 24, 2001 – February 11, 2002


February 6, 1989 – January 26, 1990


February 18, 1977 – February 6, 1978


February 2, 1965 – January 20, 1966


February 14, 1953 – February 3, 1954


January 27, 1941 – February 14, 1942


February 10, 1929 – January 29, 1930

Snakes' Personality

People born in the year of the Snake are idealists. On the outside, you may seem cold but, deep inside, you are warm and enthusiastic. Snakes represent the symbol of wisdom. You are intelligent and wise. You are good at communication but say little. Snakes are usually regarded as great thinkers.

Snakes’ 2023 Horoscope Overview:

The year of the Rabbit will bring significant changes in the lives of Snakes. Things will become better than before as your hard work will finally be recognized and pay off. Positive changes will enter as a ray of hope in your life. You might also come across people who will help you explore a new world of endless possibilities.

However, try to avoid doubting yourself and keep moving in the right direction. It is up to you to make your life better and worthwhile. You know what is best for you; so go ahead and do what needs to be done to make a better life for yourself.

You will come across things that ignite a spark in you. Nothing can hold you back if you don’t let it. Be determined to bring positive change in your life!

Lucky Things For Snakes:

Lucky Numbers: 9, 8 and 2
Lucky Colours: Red, Yellow and Black
Lucky Flowers: Cactus and Orchid

Unlucky Things For Snakes:

Unlucky colours: brown, gold, white
Unlucky numbers: 1, 6, and 7

Famous Snakes

Bernie Sanders: born September 8, 1941
Pierce Brosnan: born May 16, 1953
Oprah Winfrey: born January 29, 1954
Shania Twain: born August 28, 1965
Patrick Dempsey: born January 13, 1966
Tom Brady: born August 3, 1977
Elizabeth Olson: born February 16, 1989
Brie Larson: born October 1, 1989
Taylor Swift: born December 13, 1989

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Horse (马 / Mǎ)

Year of the Horse Dates

Horse Year



February 4, 2038 – January 23, 2039


February 17, 2026 – February 5, 2027


January 31, 2014 – February 18, 2015


February 12, 2002 – February 18, 2003


January 27, 1990 – February 14, 1991


February 7, 1978 – January 27, 1979


January 21, 1966 – February 8, 1967


February 4, 1954 – January 23, 1955


February 15, 1942 – February 4, 1943


January 30, 1930 – February 16, 1931

Horses’ Personality

Those born in the year of the Horse are never one to surrender. You are always positive and energetic, and push yourself forward. Your biggest desire is to have the freedom to do what You like and be able to express yourself. However, Horses are bad at keeping secrets and lose interest quickly.

Horses’ 2023 Horoscope Overview:

Horses will enjoy good health and financial prosperity this year. Luck will favour you in financial related matters. You will find new sources of income that will benefit you in the long run.

However, you are advised to approach life with a positive attitude. Being sad and gloomy will only take away good moments from your life. Allow yourself to enjoy life and let it grow on you. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you and make you happy.

When an opportunity knocks at your door, grab it; there is no other way to do it. This year will be full of surprises for you and you must be ready for it!

Lucky Things For Horses

Lucky numbers: 2, 3, 7, and numbers containing them (like 23 and 37)
Lucky colours: yellow and green
Lucky flowers: calla lily and jasmine

Unlucky Things For Horses

Unlucky colour: blue, white
Unlucky numbers: 1, 5, and 6

Famous Horses:

Nelson Mandela: born July 18, 1918
Neil Armstrong: born August 5, 1930
Aretha Franklin: born March 25, 1942
Barbara Streisand: born April 24, 1942
Mike Tyson: born June 30, 1966
Salma Hayek: born September 2, 1966
John Legend: born December 28, 1978
Emma Watson: born April 15, 1990
Jennifer Lawrence: born August 15, 1990

Goat (羊 / Yang)

Year of the Goat Dates

Goat Year



January 24, 2039 – February 11, 2040


February 6, 2027 – January 25, 2028


February 19, 2015 – February 7, 2016


February 1, 2003 – January 21, 2004


February 15, 1991 – February 3, 1992


January 28, 1979 – February 15, 1980


February 9, 1967 – January 30, 1968


January 24, 1955 – February 11, 1956


February 5, 1943 – January 24, 1944


February 17, 1931 – February 5, 1932

Goats' Personality

People born in the year of the Goat are kind and pure of heart. You would rather suffer silently than argue and ruin someone else’s mood. However, even in silence, you still hold onto their own opinion. Goats may look gentle on the surface, they are tough on the inside. You have a strong inner resilience and excellent defensive instincts. 

Goats' 2023 Horoscope:

Goats will have to face some challenges this year, but don’t be scared of these challenges as they will make you explore and exploit your full potential. It will also make you realize that hard work and will power is all you need to achieve your goals.

You'll be rewarded for your hard work in the form of a successful and peaceful life. All the challenges you face this year will make you stronger. Put your talent and abilities to good use and you'll be surprised to see how things turn out.

You will see a significant improvement in your financial life in the year of the Rabbit. You might get a raise at your workplace and the investments you made earlier will also give great returns!

Lucky Things For Goats:

Lucky numbers: 6, 4 and 3
Lucky colours: Blue, Pink, Purple and Red
Lucky flowers: Jasmine and Plantain Lily

Unlucky Things For Goats:

Unlucky numbers: 8, 7 and 1
Unlucky colours: Dark Yellow, Dark Brown and White

Famous Goats:

Frida Kahlo: born July 6, 1907
Pierre Trudeau: born October 18, 1919
Christopher Walken: born March 31, 1943
Jim Morrison: born December 8, 1943
Steve Jobs: born February 24, 1955
Bruce Willis: born March 19, 1955
Kurt Cobain: born February 20, 1967
P!nk: born September 8, 1979
Zooey Deschanel: born January 17, 1980
Ed Sheeran: born February 17, 1991

Monkey (猴 / Hóu)

Year of the Monkey Dates

Monkey Year



February 12, 2040 – January 31, 2041


January 26, 2028 – February 12, 2029


February 8, 2016 – January 27, 2017


January 22, 2004 – February 8, 2005


February 4, 1992 – January 22, 1993


February 16, 1980 – February 4, 1981


January 30, 1968 – February 16, 1969


February 12, 1956 – January 30, 1957


January 24, 1944 – February 12, 1945


February 6, 1932 – January 25, 1933

Monkeys' Personality

Monkeys are full of energy and are extremely curious about the world. You value relationships, but spoiling children may be your weakness. You are also a practical jokester and you love to play. Although you don’t have bad intentions, your pranks could end up unintentionally hurting other people’s feelings.

Monkeys' 2023 Horoscope Overview:

Monkeys will enjoy a successful, peaceful, and blessed year. If you are willing to put in work this year, it will pay off for you. Your friends and family will be proud of you and you'll be supported by them at every step.

In 2023, the more hard work you put in, the better results you'll get. You have been afraid to explore the uncharted territories for a while, but this will be the year to let go of your fears and explore new things in life.

In the year of the Rabbit, you will make major changes in your personal and professional life. This will ensure the perfect work-life balance for you and you'll get to spend time with your loved ones while working hard at the same time.

Lucky Things for Monkeys:

Lucky numbers: 4 and 9
Lucky colours: white, blue, gold
Lucky flowers: chrysanthemum, crape myrtle

Unlucky Things for Monkeys:

Unlucky numbers: 2 and 7
Unlucky colours: red, pink

Famous Monkeys:

Elizabeth Taylor: born February 27, 1932
Rod Stewart: born January 10, 1945
Homer Simpson: born May 12, 1956
Bob Saget: born May 17, 1956
Céline Dion: born March 30, 1968
Hugh Jackman: born October 12, 1968
Gisele Bündchen: born July 20, 1980
Ryan Gosling: born November 12, 1980
Selena Gomez: born July 22, 1992

Rooster (鸡 / Jī)

Year of the Rooster Dates

Zodiac Rooster Year



February 1, 2041 – January 21, 2042


February 13, 2029 – February 2, 2030


January 28, 2017 – February 15, 2018


February 9, 2005 – January 28, 2006


January 23, 1993 – February 9, 1994


February 5, 1981 – January 24, 1982


February 17, 1969 – February 5, 1970


January 31, 1957 – February 17, 1958


February 13, 1945 – February 1, 1946


January 26, 1933 – February 13, 1934

Roosters' Personality

Those born in the year of the Rooster are empaths, able to sense what other people are thinking or feeling. Roosters make great friends, but some can be quite cunning. You are creative and talented in the arts. You are also talkative, outspoken, frank, open, honest, and loyal.

Rooster’s 2023 Horoscope Overview:

The year of the Rabbit will be full of ups and downs for the Roosters. Some aspects of your life will see positive changes while others will witness challenges. You are advised to be ready for whatever life throws at you.

Many things will happen in the life of the Roosters simultaneously this year, and may overwhelm you at times. This year, you'll ponder more about improving your relationship with others. It's been hard for you to forge relationships as you find it comforting being on your own. But this is the year to change that.

Your financial life will see some negative changes. Also, you must cherish your relationships with close friends and family. This year will also be about retrospection and this is the year to become the best version of yourself.

Lucky Things for Roosters:

Lucky numbers: 5, 7, and 8
Lucky colours: gold, brown, and yellow
Lucky flowers: gladiola, cockscomb

Unlucky Things for Roosters:

Unlucky colour: red
Unlucky numbers: 1, 3, and 9

Famous Roosters

Betty White: born January 17, 1922
Yoko Ono: born February 18, 1933
Larry King: born November 19, 1933
Catherine Zeta-Jones: born September 25, 1969
Meghan Markle: born August 4, 1981
Beyoncé: born September 4, 1981
Ariana Grande: born June 26, 1993

Dog (狗 / Gǒu)

Year of the Dog Dates

Dog Year



January 22, 2042 – February 9, 2043


February 3, 2030 – January 22, 2031


February 16, 2018– February 4, 2019


January 29, 2006 – February 17, 2007


February 10, 1994 – January 30, 1995


January 25, 1982 – February 12, 1983


February 6, 1970 – January 26, 1971


February 18, 1958 – February 7, 1959


February 2, 1946 – January 21, 1947


February 14, 1934 – February 3, 1935

Dogs' Personality

People born in the year of the Dog are conservative and have a strong sense of justice. Because of your loyalty, you are valued in the workplace.

Because of your loyalty, you do everything for the people who are important to you. You may not be great at communication, so it night be difficult for you to convey their thoughts and feelings to others. For that reason, people think you're stubborn.

Dog’s 2023 Horoscope Overview:

Dogs will be favoured by luck in the year of Rabbit. Most aspects of your life will see growth. You are lucky to be surrounded by people who motivate you and root for you, and this year you will feel blessed to have them in your life.

However, you must be patient and confident in yourself and try to incorporate activities in your life that will enhance your skills. Work hard to achieve your goals and try to set a higher standards for yourself. You must be proactive and don't miss any opportunities that come your way.

2023 will be a period of bliss and happiness as you will learn to express yourself in front of others. If you have been stressed in the past, you will manage to get rid of it too this year. Spend some time with nature to open up your mind and think clearly about the things that bother you, as nothing is more satisfying than living a peaceful, balanced, and happy life.

Lucky Things for Dogs:

Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 9, and numbers containing them (like 34 and 49)
Lucky colours: red, green, and purple
Lucky flowers: rose, cymbidium orchids

Unlucky Things for Dogs:

Unlucky colours: blue, white, gold
Unlucky numbers: 1, 6, and 7

Famous Dogs:

Mother Teresa: born August 26, 1910
Donald Trump: born June 14, 1946
David Bowie: born January 8, 1947
Melania Trump: born April 26, 1970
Constance Wu: born March 22, 1982
Kim Jong-un: born January 8, 1983
Justin Bieber: born March 1, 1994

Pig (猪 / Zhū)

Year of the Pig Dates

Pig Year



February 10, 2043 – January 29, 2044


January 22, 2031 – February 10, 2032


February 4, 2019 – January 24, 2020


February 17, 2007 – February 6, 2008


January 30, 1995 – February 18, 1996


February 13, 1983 – February 1, 1984


January 27, 1971 – February 14, 1972


February 8, 1959 – January 27, 1960


January 22, 1947 – February 9, 1948


February 4, 1935 – January 23, 1936

Pigs' Personality

People born in the year of the Pig are logical thinkers and are diligent, compassionate, and generous. Your only obvious fault is that you lose your temper easily. Generally speaking, Pigs are relatively calm when in the face of trouble. No matter how difficult the problem, you can handle things properly and carefully. 

Pigs’ 2023 Horoscope Overview:

2023 will be a year full of luck and bliss for the Pigs. Everything that you have been waiting for will be yours this year, you just have to set your sights on your goal and keep moving forward. 

Don't to lose hope if you fall down. As it is said “Fall seven times, stand up eight”. Be hopeful and things will fall into place.

It is not too late to make positive changes in your life. You own your destiny and walking on the right path will get you where you want to. Most parts of the year will bring growth and prosperity for you, so be ready to embrace positive change. Trust your abilities and don’t let others tell you that you are not good enough. Turn your dreams to reality and surprise everyone!

Lucky Things for Pigs

Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 8, and numbers containing them (like 25 and 58)
Lucky colours: yellow, gray, brown, gold
Lucky flowers: hydrangea and daisy

Unlucky Things for Pigs

Unlucky colours: red, blue, green
Unlucky numbers: 1, 7, and numbers containing them (like 17 and 71)

Famous Pigs

Ronald Reagan: born February 6, 1911
Woody Allen: born December 1, 1935
Arnold Schwarzenegger: born July 30, 1947
Tupac Shakur: born June 16, 1971
Elon Musk: born June 28, 1971
Justin Trudeau: born December 25, 1971
Kendall Jenner: born November 3, 1995

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Chinese Zodiac in Other Asian Countries

The Chinese zodiac has a great influence on several other Asian countries, such as the South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, and Myanmar. In some countries, the zodiac signs are the same as the Chinese ones (South Korea, North Korea, Singapore, and Cambodia), while some of the animals differ in other countries.

  • The 12 Japanese zodiac animals in order are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar.

  • The 12 Vietnamese zodiac animals in order are: Rat, Buffalo, Tiger, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

  • The 12 Thai zodiac animals in order are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Naga (a mythical half-human-half-snake spirit), Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

  • The 8 Burmese zodiac animals are: Garuda (a mythical bird), Tiger, Lion, Elephant, Rat, Guinea Pig, and Dragon.

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AstroSage: “Chinese Horoscope 2023: Chinese 2023 Yearly Predictions”
Travel China Guide: “Chinese Zodiac Story”
China Highlights: “Chinese Zodiac”
Chinese New Year: “Chinese Zodiac”


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1 comment

  • These are so informative and fun, can’t wait to share with my granddaughters!


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